Sleeping During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The pandemic has caused not only health issues but also economic problems as well. As a result, many are spending all their time worrying about the loved ones and about financial uncertainty. It is very important to maintain a stable sleeping routine to keep your mental and physical health effective amid the global crisis.

Many people across the globe are facing issues in sleeping due to changes in normal routine, development of depression in isolation, excess screen time, and stress-related fatigue.

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It is very vital to set concrete steps to adapt to the new changes COVID-19 has brought to our daily lives and stabilize the sleeping pattern. Establishing a routine can facilitate a sense of normalcy even in the time of abnormal. Setting a wake-up time and bedtime would help you get a sense of normalcy. It will take time to stabilize into the new sleeping routine, but after adapting to the changes the result will be effective.

Moreover, to get proper sleep it is very important to reserve your help just for sleeping. Working-from-home should not be working-from-bed. Avoid working and watching series on your bed. In addition to that, frequent changing of sheets, fluffing pillows can keep your bed feeling fresh, creating a comfortable and inviting setting to doze off. 

Taking long naps in the middle of the day might hinder the night-time sleep. Also, maintaining a healthy would also help you to get good sleep, especially limiting the intake of caffeine in your diet.

Six to eight hours of sleep during the night will lead to an effective immune system, will heighten brain functions, and improves mental health. All these three are very vital during quarantine to keep your physical and mental health healthy.

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