Sri Lanka to initiate Business to Consumer (B2C) direct E-commerce Transactions

A regulatory framework has been established in Sri Lanka for Business to Consumer (B2C) direct E-Commerce transactions with overseas customers by the Ministry of Finance and Mass Media in Sri Lanka with the Minister, Mr Mangala Samaraweera as he envisaged the concept in the Budget-2018.

The B2C facility is available only through trading platforms such as E-bay where the goods worth up to USD 3000 can be supplied overseas without submitting CUSDEC application to Sri Lanka Customs. However, the exporter should submit the CUSDEC application by the end of every month covering all relevant transactions. 

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The Ministry of Finance has passed regulations introducing the E-Commerce Business to Customer to govern any approved online trading platforms done by B2C operations by a Board of investments approved Hub enterprise, B2C operations by a Board of investment approved enterprises or those operations by other registered business enterprises or any registered individual exporter.

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