Due to COVID-19 Colombo airport closure, Srilankan Airlines has temporarily suspended all its flights operating to/from Male’ and Gan.
This suspension will be effective from 19th to 25th March 2020.
Passengers who are booked to travel during this period are advised contact the following numbers:
+960 3333668 / +960 7797673 / +960 7936778 / +960 7926778

According to Sri Lanka Health Authorities announcement, all international Airports in Sri Lanka are closed for operation of inward international commercial passenger flights (i.e arrivals) with effect from 0400hrs on 19 March 2020 (local time in Sri Lanka) until 2359hrs on 25 March 2020 (local time in Sri Lanka).
While the closure is said to be reviewed by the Sri Lanka Authorities, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has ordered the closure of the Bandaranaike International Airport in Katunayake for two weeks with effect from 18th March to contain the spread COVID-19.
During this restricted period the following will be permitted:
1. Aircraft Departures with passengers originating from Colombo and transit passengers
2. Emergency Diversions to BIA
3. Freighter operations and humanitarian flights to BIA
4. Technical landings at BIA
5. Inbound ferry flights (without passengers) at BIA
The travel bans put into place by several governments due to the COVID-19 pandemic are affecting a number of airlines significantly throughout the globe.