Success of MWSC Accredited to its Employees

Male’ Water and Sewerage Company’s (MWSC) Managing Director Mr.Hassan Shah has praised and given all the credits pertaining to the success of the company to their employees.

Speaking at MWSC’s Staff Award Night held to recognize and celebrate the outstanding performances of their staff – Managing Director Mr. Shah stated that the awards have always been given out for staff in their recognition; a tradition which had been ceased during the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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To emphasize the hard work done by their employees during the pandemic, Mr. Shah has said that he is happy to point out the strenuous efforts by their staff to ensure safe drinking water and sewerage services to the public without interruption amidst the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

On that same topic, Shah added that MWSC staff had stayed away from their families when the pandemic was at its worst to ensure the services of the company remained uninterrupted for the public.

Furthermore, Shah also noted that 26 years ago when the company was inaugurated it consisted of 60 staff and now the company comprises 1,200 individuals.

The company’s service centers have now been established at K.Maafushi, R.Dhuvaafaru, and Hdh, Kulhudhuffushi, to cater water and sewerage services, catering to half of the Maldivian population.

Mr. Shah has said that MWSC is also notable in the fields of engineering, manufacturing, and training at present in addition to being a utility company.

During the award ceremony, 87 employees were presented with awards in nine categories for the years 2019 and 2021.

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