Taxi Registration Policy Updated to Require Garage Letter

The guidelines for taxi registrations have been revised to require a garage letter once again.

Last year, the previous administration modified the policy that mandated a garage letter for taxi registrations, allowing them to be registered upon payment of a registration fee of MVR 10,000. However, the current government had suspended the implementation of this amendment.

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Following consultations with the Attorney General, the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation has now reverted to the earlier policy, determining that issuing vehicle registrations solely based on a fee without confirming garage availability is not legally viable.

As a result of this change, taxi registrations will now necessitate proof of a garage. An official from the Transport Ministry explained that the decision to reinstate the original policy was based on legal advice from the Attorney General’s Office, which highlighted various legal barriers to the recent amendment.

Earlier in January, the Ministry emphasised that, given the severe vehicle congestion in Male’ City, permitting taxi registrations without adequate garage documentation was not a practical solution.

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