Minister of Science, Communications and Technology, Mr. Maleeh Jamal stated in an interview to Corporate Maldives that there are plans to hold a Tech Symposium in the Maldives.
“In my opinion, with the introduction of a ministry of Communications, Science and Technology, for the youth who work in the industry, the resorts in the Maldives and in the companies in the Maldives, there needs to be a platform where they can gather and exchange information, ideas and get information on the available products around the world. We also require events where we can conduct activities related to the industry, and so, our ministry also plans on hosting such events”,
A tech symposium will help those who work in the industry to voice out their opinions on the matters present in the industry and hence, is an excellent idea. In addition, the competition needs to be increased in the tech industry since the Maldives currently has just Dhiraagu and Ooredoo as its telecommunication companies, as stated by Mr. Ashfaq, Chief Technical Officer of Laniakea Tech.

The idea of a tech symposium was really good and that he believes that this will aid in uniting the personnel in the industry. A governmental initiative like a tech symposium will also be a great help in discussing the issues in the industry, stated the Director of Sales, Distribution & Brand, Mr. Hussain Niyaz.

While discussing a tech symposium in the Maldives, it is necessary to be informed about such conferences already being held in other countries. If we take a look at our neighboring country India, they hold many such successful symposiums. One of the many conferences is the Gartner Symposium which was also included in the top five tech symposiums held in India.

Other than holding a tech symposium, the ministry also plans on hosting hackathons, science fairs and science awards and such. The minister also mentioned that they will be working on bringing a digital economy to the Maldives.