Thailand Rejects 6% of Maldivian Skipjack Tuna Shipment, Says Minister

Fisheries Minister Ahmed Shiyam has revealed that, on average, six per cent of skipjack tuna shipments exported to Thailand have been rejected. The information came to light in response to inquiries from Central Maafannu MP Ibrahim Rasheed during a parliamentary session.

Minister Shiyam acknowledged the issue and suggested that collaboration with the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) could reduce rejection rates in future shipments. He emphasized that supporting MIFCO in overcoming challenges falls within the mandate of the Ministry of Fisheries.

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“The government deems it crucial for us to secure additional buyers, and MIFCO is actively working with the government towards this goal,” the Minister added.

This news highlights potential quality concerns within the Maldivian skipjack tuna export market and underscores the government’s commitment to addressing these issues and diversifying buyers for the nation’s fishing industry.

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