Three New Islands Open for Resort Development.

Tourism Ministry have added three more islands for the list of islands for resort development. Kaafu Atoll Kagi, Ad Atoll Bodukaashihuraa and Lonubui were the islands which was added to that list. The size of K.Kagi is 2.5 hectors and the acquisition cost of this island is estimated to be $2.1 million. Additionally the size of Ad. Bodukaashihuraa is 2.4 hectors and the acquisition cost is estimated to be $1.7 million and the size of Ad.Lonubui is 2.1 hectors and the acquisition cost is estimated to be $1.5 million.

The government of Maldives aims in launching minimum 10 resorts each year into the market. According to the ministry of tourism, last year, 10 resorts were opened.

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Earlier, 17 islands were released for the development of tourism related affiliations; hence, with this three new three listings, now 20 islands are opened for lease. With the amendments brought to the tourism act last year, it gives the authority for the government to lease the islands without a bid.

According to the tourism ministry, the leasing prices mentioned now are just an estimate and the final price will be decided after conducting relevant surveys in order to find the best price.

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