‘Ulhun Dhaalu’ Initiative Launched, Aiming to Raise Quality of Island Life!

Dhaalu Kudahuvadhoo council and Reseum have signed a public-private partnership and launched the ULHUN DHAALU initiative.

The ULHUN DHAALU initiative was founded by the Dhaalu Kudahuvadhoo Local Government and Reseum, with the aim of making Dhaalu Atoll the most liveable atoll in the Maldives.

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The project leverages international and local collaborative partnerships, to work together to achieve rapid development and raise the quality of life in the islands. The local government of Dhaalu Kudahuvadhoo and Reseum have signed the MOU for 30 years to implement the initiative.

The aim is to make DHAALU an inspiration for the rest of the Maldivian atolls by following four basic principles.

1. SMART: Using digital technologies to design a futuristic society

2. GREEN: Creating climate-positive and resilient communities

3. FAIR: Empowering through accessible and secure financial ecosystems

4. LIVEABLE: Raising the quality of life by creating positive and supportive social environments.

The four principles are applied to individual projects that collectively aim to achieve the overall vision of ULHUN. The projects are as follows.

DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE: An inter-island digital network built on Blockchain.

SUSTAINABLE URBAN DESIGN: An urban design that promotes a sustainable infrastructure and local economic system.

NATURE CONSERVATION: Initiatives for making natural habitats more resilient.

INNOVATION CAMPUS: An innovation center with advanced R&D, training, co-working and living facilities.

ZERO EMISSION TRANSPORTATION NETWORK: Connected zero-emission transportation network.

LOCAL FOOD PRODUCTION: Urban farming systems for producing food locally.

RENEWABLE ENERGY & ZERO WASTE: Decentralized renewable energy and water production systems that contribute to achieving zero waste solutions.

SPORTS CENTER: A sports center with training and recreational facilities.

PUBLIC SPACES: Parks and public spaces that promote healthy lifestyles.

A NEW KIND OF LOCAL ECONOMY: Financing programs and incubators that foster local entrepreneurship and small businesses.

Together, they’ve also launched www.dhaalu.com which will be the focal point in promoting the initiative in Dhaalu.

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