USAID to Establish Permanent Country Office in Maldives

USAID Administrator Samantha Power has established a permanent USAID Country Office in Maldives in collaboration with Congress. This move is part of the broader initiative to enhance the US embassy’s presence in the country.

The newly established office will implement USAID’s development programs to support a more democratic, prosperous, and resilient Maldives, building on the United States’ longstanding commitment to collaboration with the Maldivian government and the people.

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Since 2001, USAID has supported Maldives in various areas, including disaster response capabilities, environmental resource conservation, and addressing climate-related challenges.

The decision to establish a permanent country office underscores USAID’s commitment to an independent and thriving Maldives. The office aims to strengthen partnerships with the Maldivian government and people, foster people-to-people ties between the United States and Maldives, and implement tailored development programs aligned with the country’s priorities.

The bilateral relationship has been further solidified with the formal establishment of the US embassy in Maldives and the appointment of a resident ambassador. Maldives has also formally reinstated its embassy in the United States.

USAID Maldives will continue its focus on supporting democracy, improving transparency, strengthening public financial management, addressing climate change impacts, and increasing public engagement in democratic processes.

The statement from USAID emphasises ongoing collaboration with key government officials, ministries, civil society leaders, communities, the private sector, and development partners to strengthen Maldives’ resilience and accelerate progress. Maldives is recognised as a valuable partner for the United States in the Indo-Pacific region and international forums.

Establishing the permanent country office is seen as a strategic step to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific region, contributing to connectivity, prosperity, resilience, and security.

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