Uza Samaau Ahmed Najeeb Appointed as New Member to HRCM

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has today appointed Uza Samaau Ahmed Najeeb as a new member to the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM). The President presented her letter of appointment during a special ceremony held at the President’s Office late this morning, and her oath of office was administered by Supreme Court Justice Uza Aisha Shujoon Mohamed.

Uza Samaau Ahmed Najeeb most recently served as a Senior State Attorney at the Attorney General’s Office, and had earlier served as a State Attorney at the same office, from 2015 onwards. She also previously worked as an Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Maldives in India between 2010 and 2011.

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Uza Samaau Ahmed Najeeb attained her Master of Human Rights Law from the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2018. She has taken part in a wide variety of professional workshops, seminars and forums and is a member of the Maldives Governmental expert team for the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).

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