Vaibhav Garg represents Maldives and AccorHotels at European Luxury Hospitality Summit in Rovinj, Croatia

What to expect in future employees: Generation Z will not only be tech savy but environmentally aware. The so-called Green Teens. Many Millenials would rather have no job than a job they hate. They want to feel valued, recognized, and to make a difference” says Vaibhav Garg – Cluster Director of Talent & Culture, AccorHotels, Maldives at the European Luxury Hospitality Summit in Rovinj, Croatia on March 01 2017 while delivering his presentation on the topic “Recruiting for Luxury : How to build a plan that attracts top talent.
Speaking at the event Vaibhav emphasized on the trends in the luxury segment and the paradigm shift in the workforce expectations and dynamics. In his presentation he mentioned that one key trend driving the future of luxury travel is the shift in values from the material to the experiential – rather than saving up to buy luxurious possessions, people are choosing to spend their money on experiences. Curating something that appeals to them on a specific, personal level that goes above a traveller’s “norms” is key to the next chapter of luxury in hospitality. It’s no longer enough to understand what luxury means to a particular traveller – it’s about knowing what luxury means to that traveller right now.
A key focus for the human resources in the hospitality segment we need people (employees) who are sensitive to others’ needs, who are passionate, and emotional. We can’t just only look at their MBA degrees. The present generation desires to maintain a work-life balance. Work is not their life, it’s a part of their life. Besides this that there are few things in hospitality that are not negotiable: you must be kind, you must be personable, you must want to help, says Vaibhav Garg.
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