Yunnan Vice Chairman Pays Courtesy Call on Maldivian Foreign Minister

Yesterday, His Excellency Li Xiaosan, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Moosa Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives. The meeting, held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, underscored the growing cooperation between Yunnan Province and the Maldives.

During their discussions, Minister Zameer and Vice Chairman Li Xiaosan explored avenues to establish a cooperative mechanism between Yunnan and the Maldives, focusing on enhancing practical collaboration in economy and trade. This initiative aims to build on the existing strong ties and foster greater economic integration and mutual benefit.

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Minister Zameer expressed his gratitude for the continuous support and assistance provided by the Government of China to the people of the Maldives. He particularly highlighted the invaluable contributions of China towards the economic development of the Maldives, acknowledging the positive impact of these efforts on the nation’s progress.

Vice Chairman Li Xiaosan, in turn, conveyed his profound gratitude for the warm welcome extended to him. He reaffirmed his commitment to further strengthening the bilateral relations between China and the Maldives. Emphasising the importance of this partnership, Vice Chairman Li noted the potential for increased cooperation and shared development goals.

This meeting marks a significant step towards deepening the relationship between Yunnan Province and the Maldives, reflecting the broader strategic partnership between China and the Maldives. Both parties expressed optimism about the future of their collaboration, envisioning enhanced economic ties and strengthened diplomatic relations.

As the Maldives continues to pursue its development objectives, the support and partnership of China, particularly through regional cooperation with Yunnan Province, remain crucial. The discussions between Minister Zameer and Vice Chairman Li Xiaosan highlight the shared commitment to fostering a robust and dynamic partnership, contributing to the prosperity and well-being of both nations.

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