3rd Edition of Corporate Maldives Magazine is Out!

Corporate Maldives has published the third edition of the Corporate Magazine.

Corporate Maldives magazine covers special reports on different segments of the business community along with expert insights and opinions. This issue has a collection of stories on banking, trade, aviation, health and technology which are all must-reads.

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The cover story for this edition is on the guesthouse industry of Maldives. It gives an insight into the history of guesthouses in the country, the array of activities carried out to promote the industry and its predicted future.

Corporate Maldives is the leading business resource of Maldives for coporate sector news, events and publications. The Corporate Maldives portfolio of products include:

  • Corporate Maldives “GOLD 100”
  • Corporate Maldives “Business Expo”
  • Corporate Maldives “Games”
  • Corporate Maldives Print Magazine
  • Corporate Maldives Online

Corporate Maldives is a product of Orca Media Group, the leading Media and Marketing firm in the Maldives. The company’s portfolio includes print media brands, digital media, face-to-face events, business intelligence and content marketing solutions including the largest international travel trade fair held in the Maldives, TTM.

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