Protect Your Building from Fire Damage with Allied Insurance

Fire incidents have been on the rise across both the Greater Male’ region and the atolls, posing significant threats to homes and businesses. In the Maldives, several buildings have been completely destroyed, leaving their owners to grapple with overwhelming financial losses. The consequences of such disasters can be catastrophic, especially when those affected are left without the means to recover.

One of the most effective ways to safeguard your assets and minimise financial burdens in such situations is by purchasing a fire insurance policy. Allied Insurance offers a comprehensive solution through its “Fire and Additional Peril” plan, designed to protect your property from both fires and a range of other hazards.

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This plan not only covers the structure of the building but also provides compensation for damages to fixtures, fittings, furniture, business stock, and essential equipment. For those who lease part of their building, lost rental income due to fire-related damage is also covered. Moreover, any fees paid to architects and surveyors for post-incident work are insured.

The basic coverage of the “Fire and Additional Perils” plan includes protection from incidents like fire, floods, and gas cylinder explosions. In addition, extended coverage is available for damages caused by explosions, flooding, burst pipes, or tanks. This means that whether it’s the building, the contents inside, or essential items like lampshades or fixtures, you can rest easy knowing they are protected.

In a densely populated city like Male’, this type of protection is invaluable. Whether it’s your home or business, ensuring your property is insured against these potential dangers is one of the wisest steps you can take.

To learn more about Allied Insurance’s “Fire and Additional Perils” plan, visit their website or contact customer care at 1600 for assistance.

Protect your property today—don’t wait until disaster strikes.

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