The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi will be celebrating International Yoga Day with renowned Indian Actress Amruta Khanvilkar. She has worked in Bollywood and regional space for over 10 years. She is featured in Bollywood films like Hattrick, Phoonk, Raazi and Satyameva Jayate. Amruta debuted in the Marathi regional space in the year 2016.
Amruta has also done 24 season 2 and Dance India Dance. She is also the winner of Nach Baliye season 7 and she was a judge at super dancer Maharashtra. With a strong fan base across her social media, she is also a well-known fashion enthusiast and a model who walked the ramp with Bombay Times Fashion Week and Pune Times Fashion Week.
Amruta is a yoga and pilate’s enthusiast and places great importance on wellness and yoga in everyday life. She will be leading the Sunset Yoga class at The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi this June to celebrate International Yoga Day, and share her wisdom and benefits of yoga for healthy lifestyle.
Located among the unspoiled islands of Noonu Atoll in the Maldives, a scenic 45-minute sea plane journey from Male’, The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi is where nature’s simplicity and beauty is in abundance – it’s a world away from the everyday