Diesel Prices Reduced for Fishermen in Hulhumale

The price of diesel sold to fishermen in Hulhumale has been significantly reduced, aligning with the prices typically seen in sheds. The adjustment sees diesel now priced at MVR 13.92 per litre.

The changes seek to fulfil a key promise in President Mohamed Muizzu’s election manifesto, said the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources while announcing the move.

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This price reduction is part of the region’s broader trend of fuel price adjustments. Recently, STO lowered the cost of petrol and diesel in the Maldives, with petrol now available at MVR 13.98 per litre at Fuel Supply Maldives stations.

MIFCO also supplies diesel at special rates to the islands hosting its fish factories.

The announcement comes amid recent protests by fishermen, which began yesterday morning over delayed payments and concerns about long-line fishing practices. The protest, led by the Yellow Fin Tuna Fishers Union, called for immediate payment of dues and voiced opposition to long-line fishing, which gained traction following a contentious consultation meeting.

The union had initially vowed to continue their protest until their demands were met, prompting a swift response from the Ministry of Fisheries. In a late-night resolution, the ministry agreed to prohibit long-line fishing and facilitate fish farmers purchasing diesel at rates equivalent to those in road sheds, effectively halting the protest.

Meanwhile, the government-run fish company MIFCO has reported that MVR 80 million remains outstanding in payments to fishermen.

Minister Ahmed Shiyam stated yesterday that the government would honour its commitments to fishermen once economic conditions improve. He noted that MIFCO faced challenges this year, and cannot purchase any more Yellowfin Tuna.

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