Fish Exports from Maldives Increases in the Past Three Months

MMA stated that fish exports from the Maldives have increased in the first 3 months of this year in comparison to the first 3 months of last year.

According to the Quarterly Economic Bulletin by MMA, the amount of fish bought by the fish processing companies in the Maldives has been decreased in the first quarter of 2020. However, the statistics of fish exported abroad has increased in the first quarter of this year.

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In the year to year statistics, the amount of fish exported in the first quarter of this year has increased by up to 4% in comparison to last year, according to the Quarterly Economic Bulletin by MMA. In this amount of time, 17, 483.45 metric tonnes of fish were, most exported products were Big eye Tuna, Tuna packed in Pouch, and canned Tuna. The amount of Yellowfin Tuna exported during this time has been decreased.

MMA also stated the amount of fish bought by the fish processing companies in the Maldives has been decreased in the last quarter of 2019. In the year to year statistics, this amount has dropped by up to 19%. According to MMA, this decrease in percentage is caused due to a decrease in the purchase of Tuna and Yellowfin Tuna.

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