Ministry of Finance Yet to Release Fiscal Updates, Over Three Months Since Last Report

The Ministry of Finance has still not published the overdue weekly fiscal updates, with the last report released on 20th June 2024. As of today, 23rd September 2024, it has been more than three months since the last update, raising growing concerns about transparency and financial accountability.

The Ministry’s website continues to display a notice that has remained unchanged for weeks, stating, “The next issue of the weekly fiscal updates will be published during the fourth week of July 2024, as reconciliation works are underway.” However, no additional communication has been provided on the website, leaving the public and stakeholders in the dark about the reasons behind the ongoing delay.

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The absence of these reports, which are vital for understanding the country’s financial health, has sparked unease. Stakeholders rely on the fiscal updates to assess government revenue, spending, and broader economic conditions. In times of economic uncertainty, the lack of timely information can exacerbate concerns over fiscal stability.

The prolonged delay, now extending into its third month, has heightened concerns over transparency and communication from the Ministry of Finance. With no indication of when the next report will be released, a considerable information gap remains, leaving the public uncertain about the Maldives’ current financial situation.

Until the situation is addressed, confidence in the Ministry’s commitment to providing timely and accurate financial information may continue to erode.

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