Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has commenced harbor repair projects in two islands.
Harbor repairing and dredging projects in Rakeedhoo, Vaavu Atoll, and Vandhoo, Raa Atoll are being undertaken, said MTCC. The state-owned company revealed, the mobilization of harbor repair and dredging project in Vandhoo was launched on June 20, while a project team was mobilized to Rakeedhoo on June 19.
MTCC said the project in Vandhoo includes dredging and excavation of the harbor basin of 1,870 cubic meters, construction of a 75-meter quay wall, backfilling of quay wall with dredged materials and precast block installation, detailing the projects. The project, valued at USD 388,900, was awarded to MTCC on August 26, 2019.
Concerning the project in Rakeedhoo, MTCC revealed on the 26th of December 2019, the design-and-build project received Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) approval. The project requires dredging and excavation of 5,645 cubic meters, construction of a 156-meter-long breakwater, a 164-meter quay wall, and a 74-meter revetment states MTCC.

The project also counts the construction of 429 square meters of paved area and the installation of the harbour and navigational lights. The project, valued over USD 1.2 million, was awarded to MTCC on October 1, last year.
Regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, MTCC strived to continue the infrastructure and development projects across the country.