Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) Endorses Corporate Maldives GOLD 100 Gala

Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) of the Maldives has endorsed Corporate Maldives Gold 100 Gala 2017 which is due to be held at Bandos Island Resort and Spa in February 2018. Corporate Maldives has been actively recruiting nominations for GOLD 100 which will be a list of leading 100 companies of the Maldives in 2017. The deadline for submission of forms is 31st December 2017. The companies will be announced at the GOLD 100 GALA which will be held in February 2018. CTL Strategies will be the advisory partner for GOLD 100.

The Gold 100 is a list of top 100 business entities in the Maldives, published by Corporate Maldives – a premium business and hospitality magazine. This selection criterion ensures that the selection process is transparent and unbiased so as to reflect that the entities on the list are indeed the Maldives’ “Gold 100”.

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“We, the Privatization and Corporatization Board is interested to act as an endorsing partner to the Corporate Maldives Gold 100 Gala 2018 and would be keen to assist in facilitating the event. We would like to express our gratitude to Corporate Maldives for giving us the opportunity to be part of such an important event.” Mohamed Nizar, President at Privatization and Corporatization Board, noted in the letter sent to Corporate Maldives.

The privatization and Corporatization Board was created under clause 3(a) of the law that privatizes, monitor and evaluate public companies. The President of the Republic of Maldives holds the power to compile, change and reconvene the Board under clause 4(a) and 9(a) of the same law.

The Gold 100 is not intended to rank business entities but is devised to be a selection of the top business entities. As such, the list would be published in alphabetical order.
Please visit and fill in the details in order to be registered.

Deadline for application for nominations – 31st December 2017

For more details, email us at or call us at +960 3011720

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