The launching ceremony of the State of the World Population Report 2022, published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), was held at Meerumaa Events Conference Facility on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
The event is part of the joint efforts of UNFPA and Villa College to support population research and information disclosure. This is under a Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Research and Innovation (IRI), Villa College and UNFPA, which was signed on 10th April 2022. Under the MOU, both parties have agreed to collaborate to advocate for 1) implications of population dynamics, including internal and international migration, and urbanization to harness the demographic dividend 2) women’s economic empowerment 3) climate resilience in national policies and strategic frameworks
The report was launched by First Lady Fazna Ahmed. The ceremony was attended by Ministers, members of the People’s Majlis, State Ministers, and senior officials of UNFPA and Villa College.
The theme of the UNFPA’s 2022 State of the World Population Report was “Seeing the Unseen: The Case for Action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy”. A panel discussion on the theme was held at the ceremony. During the discussion, members of the panel, which included social policy makers and social and religious professionals, discussed the issue of “unattended pregnancy” in the Maldives and ways to work in the future.