STO brings Eggs, Onion and Potato for Ramadan

STO has mentioned that they have brought eggs, onion and potato for Ramadan. These goods will be available for purchase from this Friday throughout Male’ and will be distributed to the islands starting from Saturday.

In a press conference held yesterday, the Managing Director of STO, Mr. Ahmed Shaheer has mentioned that they will put all their effort in maintaining the prices of these good, and that they are all set to distribute these items throughout Maldives on Saturday.

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“These items can be purchased from 12th May in Male’, in a specially created warehouse for the sale of these items. We are putting all our effort to make sure that these items will be sold in the lowest possible price for the customers.” Shaheer mentioned.

According to Shaheer, the prices of these items will be announced soon and has assured the public that the prices will be not higher than last year. Moreover, they will make sure that even the retailers are able to sell at the same price as STO.

“We do not have any plans of selling these items only in STO, besides, we are planning to contribute with other companies to sell these items”, Shaheer said.

According to the Senior General Manager of STO, Fathimath Ashaan, the market prices of these goods currently are at a low price, and that they will be monitoring the price changes and working upon it. “Before we brought in these items, we have discussed with our partners to make these items available in supermarkets; the demand for other food products are rising high as well, therefore, we are working with our partners to cater to the public at the best”, Ashaan stated.

The demand for eggs, onion and potato are massively high during Ramadan, and as a result, the prices go up; hence, last year, compared to other years, this was controlled.


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